Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sprouted Moong Dal Upma

I had sprouted moong dal in which i wanted to make curry and i suddenly something clicked in my mind.. thought why don't i make Upma out of it!.. i tired it and it came out well.. so thought of sharing this recipe in the blog. Sprouted moong dal is very rich in carbohydrated and protein and taste is also good.. Try this and Enjoy!

Rava 1 Cup
Sprouted moong dal 1/2 Cup
Onion medium sized 2 Cubed
Tomato medium sized 1 cubed
Cumin Seeds 1/2 spoon
Chilly Powder 1/2 teaspoon
Mustard seed 1/4 teaspoon
Grount nut 2 teaspoons
Chana dal 2 teaspoons
Greated cococnut 3 teaspoons
Curry leaves
Water 2 1/2 Cup
Salt as per taste
Oil 3 tea spoons

1. In a wok add oil when it gets heated add mustard seeds and let it splutter.
2. Add cumin seeds.
3. Add groundnut, channa dal, curry leaves and fry for 2 min.
4. And onion and fry them till golden brown.
5. Then add the tomato and fry them for till tender.
6. Now add the sprouted moon dal and fry for 1 min.
7. Now add the water and let it boil for 3-4 min.
8. Now add the Roasted semolina/ rava and stir it .
9. Low down the flame and close a lid on the wok, let the rava cook in the steam for about 3 min stir in between.
10. Add the grated cococnut and Enoy eating.

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